---@type LazySpec
return {
" AstroNvim/astrolsp " ,
---@type AstroLSPOpts
opts = {
-- Configuration table of features provided by AstroLSP
features = {
autoformat = true , -- enable or disable auto formatting on start
codelens = true , -- enable/disable codelens refresh on start
inlay_hints = false , -- enable/disable inlay hints on start
semantic_tokens = true , -- enable/disable semantic token highlighting
} ,
-- customize lsp formatting options
formatting = {
-- control auto formatting on save
format_on_save = {
enabled = true , -- enable or disable format on save globally
allow_filetypes = { -- enable format on save for specified filetypes only
" go " ,
" python " ,
" rust " ,
} ,
ignore_filetypes = { -- disable format on save for specified filetypes
-- "python",
" htmldjango " ,
" html " ,
} ,
} ,
disabled = { -- disable formatting capabilities for the listed language servers
-- disable lua_ls formatting capability if you want to use StyLua to format your lua code
-- "lua_ls",
} ,
timeout_ms = 10000 , -- default format timeout
-- filter = function(client) -- fully override the default formatting function
-- return true
-- end
} ,
-- enable servers that you already have installed without mason
servers = {
-- "pyright"
} ,
-- customize language server configuration options passed to `lspconfig`
---@diagnostic disable: missing-fields
config = {
-- clangd = { capabilities = { offsetEncoding = "utf-8" } },
pyright = {
settings = {
python = {
analysis = {
autoSearchPaths = true ,
diagnosticMode = " workspace " ,
useLibraryCodeForTypes = true ,
typeCheckingMode = " off " ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
-- customize how language servers are attached
handlers = {
-- a function without a key is simply the default handler, functions take two parameters, the server name and the configured options table for that server
-- function(server, opts) require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) end
-- the key is the server that is being setup with `lspconfig`
-- rust_analyzer = false, -- setting a handler to false will disable the set up of that language server
-- pyright = function(_, opts) require("lspconfig").pyright.setup(opts) end -- or a custom handler function can be passed
} ,
autocmds = {
lsp_document_highlight = {
cond = " textDocument/documentHighlight " ,
event = { " CursorHold " , " CursorHoldI " } ,
desc = " Document Highlighting " ,
callback = function ( ) vim.lsp . buf.document_highlight ( ) end ,
} ,
event = { " CursorMoved " , " CursorMovedI " , " BufLeave " } ,
desc = " Document Highlighting Clear " ,
callback = function ( ) vim.lsp . buf.clear_references ( ) end ,
} ,
} ,
lsp_codelens_refresh = {
cond = " textDocument/codeLens " ,
event = { " InsertLeave " , " BufEnter " } ,
desc = " Refresh codelens (buffer) " ,
callback = function ( args )
if require ( " astrolsp " ) . config.features . codelens then vim.lsp . codelens.refresh { bufnr = args.buf } end
end ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
mappings = {
n = {
gD = {
function ( ) vim.lsp . buf.declaration ( ) end ,
desc = " Declaration of current symbol " ,
cond = " textDocument/declaration " ,
} ,
[ " <Leader>uY " ] = {
function ( ) require ( " astrolsp.toggles " ) . buffer_semantic_tokens ( ) end ,
desc = " Toggle LSP semantic highlight (buffer) " ,
cond = function ( client )
return client.supports_method " textDocument/semanticTokens/full " and vim.lsp . semantic_tokens ~= nil
end ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
on_attach = function ( client , bufnr ) end ,
} ,